Hillsdale Downtown in 1939
Now in 2015 we see more changes but there are a few places that stay the same. Here are some photos that may have not been taken in 1939 but as you can see some of the businesses are still the same.
Now in 2015 we see more changes but there are a few places that stay the same. Here are some photos that may have not been taken in 1939 but as you can see some of the businesses are still the same.
You can see the drugstore on the corner, Hillsdale Market house, O'Meara's, and Gelzer's.
Old State Bank next door to OMeara's.
Here are several shoe stores along the street , J.C. Penny's and Perrys Clothing store.
Cook's Shoe Service
Looking north on Broad Street, many of these stores are on the map.
The Point, barber shop
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